Tooth Extractions Newport, KY


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About Tooth Extractions in Newport, KY

Although the MINT dentistry team aims to preserve the health of your natural teeth, sometimes a tooth extraction is necessary for overall oral health. Simple extractions are provided to address a tooth that has erupted from the gum tissues. This is commonly offered for teeth that are irreparably decayed. However, a surgical extraction removes a tooth or teeth that haven't erupted from the gumline, such as your third molars. Regardless of your reason for requiring a tooth to be removed, our knowledgeable professionals will help you feel comfortable and cared for. Our dental care center in Newport, KY utilizes many sedation methods, including nitrous oxide gas and prescription medications, so you remain at ease throughout the extraction process. Get in touch with our dental practice to book an exam so we can determine if you require dental extraction.

When Is a Tooth Extraction Needed?

The board-certified practitioners at MINT dentistry can restore a severely broken tooth using options such as tooth caps or oral fillings. However, a dental extraction could be required when these procedures are ineffective. Teens and adults may also need an oral extraction to remove teeth that won't comfortably fit into your smile, including wisdom teeth, which commonly grow in around 17 – 21 years old. At a certain point, primary teeth that have not come out might have to be removed to make room for their permanent replacements. If you're thinking about getting traditional metal braces or Invisalign® aligner trays, you might need a tooth extracted to create space as they move into their proper position.

How Is a Tooth Extraction Performed?

Our state-of-the-art facility in Newport, NY performs both simple and surgical extractions using sedation methods that are personalized to your needs to ensure that you are calm and comfortable throughout your entire procedure. The kind of sedation you receive will be based on the type of tooth removal you're getting and whether or not you have any severe dental care worries. Before your treatment is performed, our team will ensure that you're comfortable. Once you're ready, our team will start the treatment. For simple tooth extractions, our dental professionals will use effective approaches and medical-grade tools to take out the tooth carefully. A surgical extraction will start when we create an opening in your gum tissues to access the affected tooth. Sometimes, the tooth will be broken into smaller fragments, making removing it more manageable. As soon as the affected tooth is removed, your dentist will sew the incision closed.

Extraction Aftercare Recommendations

Depending on the type of sedation used, you may need to have transportation home following your procedure. Our team will share aftercare guidelines to optimize your healing phase. The instructions will differ depending on the technique used for your extraction treatment plan, but most patients prefer a liquid or soft food diet for the first few days following the procedure. Your face might swell and feel sensitive following a dental extraction, so we recommend using cold compresses and drugstore painkillers. Sometimes we may write you a prescription for painkillers and antibiotics. In conjunction with any scheduled follow-up appointments, you should schedule professional cleanings and thorough exams at our MINT dentistry practice in Newport, KY so we can keep caring for the health of your smile.

The MINT Commitment

Although dental insurance may partially pay for dental extractions, it may not cover the cost of some sedation options. Following your appointment, our team will contact your insurance provider to confirm your coverage and estimate your uncovered costs. For those who don't have dental insurance, we can tell you how you can more easily cover your care with simple payment choices or medical financing.

Comprehensive Dental Care

To boost oral health and enhance visual aesthetics, an extraction may be necessary if a tooth has deteriorated beyond repair or to create space for teeth migration. Call for an oral exam with a team member at our esteemed MINT dentistry center in Newport, KY to learn more about tooth extractions and the forms we offer. Our knowledgeable team does everything in its power to keep you at ease and help you achieve the brilliant smile of your dreams.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.