Dental Implants Newport, KY


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About Dental Implants in Newport, KY

When you have teeth that are missing or highly damaged, implant dentistry is an efficient and lasting solution to achieve that sexy smile of your dreams. MINT dentistry is excited to provide custom-made dental implants and restorations to our patients in Newport, KY to help them enjoy a tooth replacement solution that functions and feels like their own teeth. An implant is a post placed in your jaw (by a board-certified oral surgeon) to replace the missing tooth root. The post(s) can then be attached to a restoration (crown, bridge, or denture) that is natural looking and lasts a long time. If you want to restore your smile by replacing one or more teeth, make an appointment for a consultation at MINT dentistry in Newport, KY. During your consultation at our modern dental practice, you will learn about our commitment to helping you reach your aesthetic goals while achieving ideal dental wellness.

All-On-4® Dental Implants

All-on-4® custom dentures are a comprehensive full-arch restoration made by the leaders in implant dentistry, Nobel Biocare™. All-on-4 implant dentures work by inserting the screws (dental implants) at strategic points on each arch. Compared to other brands of implanted dentures, All-on-4 offers a better fit with as few as four posts. We recommend All-on-4 implanted dentures for patients looking for a beautifully restored smile without the hassle or the dietary restrictions of removable dentures. Many MINT patients have reaped the benefits of the groundbreaking All-on-4 procedure, enjoying high-quality results. If you'd like to learn about the advantages of All-on-4 implanted dentures, we encourage you to schedule a consultation at our dental practice in Newport, KY.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

To replace a missing tooth or teeth, the professionals at MINT dentistry suggest implants along with a crown, bridge, or dentures. You may be a candidate for dental implants if you currently have a traditional dental restoration but don't like its appearance or maintenance. During your consultation at our office, our skilled team will assess your gums and jawbone to determine if you are a good candidate for implant dentistry. You are probably not a candidate for implants if you suffer from gum disease, use tobacco, or are currently pregnant.

How Are Dental Implants Placed?

When assessing your mouth during your implant consultation, your MINT dentistry team will decide if you require jawbone or gum grafting. If you do, these will be completed and allowed to heal before your implant procedure is done. When you are ready for implants, our team will schedule your oral surgery to place the implant post(s). At the start of your implant surgery, our staff will show you to the procedure room so you can begin to relax in the massaging treatment chair, where we will give you a pair of MINT sunglasses and Beats headphones. Once settled in, your doctor will administer your anesthesia and, if needed, sedation. Then, your board-certified oral surgeon will make the necessary incision(s) in your mouth and fit the metal post(s) in your jawbone. We will repeat this process until all implants are in place. The gums will then be closed, leaving the top of the implant visible over the top of your gumline. During the next several months, the post(s) will start to integrate with your bone and gum. During this time, a temporary restoration will be used to cover the post(s). Once you're healed, our Newport, KY team will connect your custom crown, bridge, or denture to the post(s), so you can start smiling, eating, and speaking like normal.

Dental Implant Surgery Aftercare

It is common to have swelling in your gums and lower face along with discomfort, bleeding, and bruising due to the type of surgery necessary for dental implants. It's normal for the symptoms to be temporary, but please contact us if your symptoms last too long or seem abnormal. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and/or pain medication in addition to detailed instructions, like dietary recommendations, to help you recover smoothly. When your implant(s) has integrated, and your crown, bridge, or denture has been attached, you should follow a good dental care routine at home, including flossing and brushing your teeth twice daily. Follow-up appointments to check your progress will be scheduled. MINT dentistry recommends you continue attending annual dental exams and bi-annual cleanings to keep your natural teeth and restorations healthy and attractive.

The MINT Commitment

For those with insurance, the cost of your implant placement procedure and restoration procedure may be covered, at least partially, by your provider. A member of our finance team will contact your insurance provider to clarify your specific coverage and calculate your costs. In your initial consultation with the doctor, we can discuss which payment methods our office accepts, including low-interest medical financing. At MINT dentistry, we are committed to helping our patients in Newport, KY get a radiant smile. If you do not have dental insurance, ask a team member if you are eligible for the MINT Discount Plan, which can help you better afford your dental care.

Lasting Appeal

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, implant-supported restorations are a fabulous natural-looking option to achieve that radiant smile. Cleaned just like your natural teeth, implants can restore the health and appearance of your smile. Using modern dental technology and cutting-edge techniques, our team of professionals at MINT dentistry will help you get the smile of your dreams with high-quality implant dentistry. Contact our dental office in Newport, KY today to book your consultation and learn more about dental implant options.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.