At-Home Teeth Whitening Newport, KY

At-HomeTeeth Whitening

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About At-Home Teeth Whitening in Newport, KY

Having a dazzling, bright smile is a priceless attribute. MINT dentistry in Newport, KY understands this desire for a more attractive smile and helps hundreds of patients yearly with at-home teeth whitening. Though you may have tried several store-bought teeth whitening products, they have limited strength and typically produce disappointing results. The board-certified dentists and dental professionals at MINT dentistry help you to get the sexy teeth you want with custom at-home teeth whitening kits. Each kit includes custom mouth trays and professional whitening gel, which can be replenished at your regularly scheduled dental appointments as needed. We believe all of our patients should have a bright, beautiful smile, and we look forward to helping you achieve it through your personalized home teeth whitening kit.

Am I a Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

If you want to enhance your smile without leaving the comfort of your home, the MINT dentistry team in Newport, KY has the solution for you — an at-home teeth whitening kit customized just for you. Your enamel may become dull as you age or have stains from years of dark food and drinks. You may have tried one or more store-bought whitening products, but they were uncomfortable, ineffective, or caused damage to your enamel. MINT dentistry offers a whitening gel selected to match your needs, so it's a great option if you have tooth sensitivity. Plus, your trays will be custom-made in our office, so they fit comfortably. You can use your home teeth whitening on its own or supplement a professional laser whitening procedure in our office to achieve your desired results.

What Does Home Teeth Whitening Involve?

The MINT team will personalize your whitening kit to meet your individual needs. Before developing your personalized treatment plan, we will thoroughly examine your mouth to check your overall health and help us select the best whitening formula and strength. This examination will be performed in one of our well-appointed procedure rooms while you relax in one of our massaging treatment chairs. While wearing special MINT sunglasses, a board-certified dentist will carefully assess your mouth's health to ensure you will benefit from home whitening treatments. After your examination, we will explain the treatments suggested.

How Can I Maintain Teeth Whitening Results?

Many factors will determine your whitening results, including your starting shade, the strength of your whitening gel, and how frequently you apply your whitening treatments. Once you achieve your desired shade, you can stop performing treatments every day. If you want to keep your teeth bright and healthy, you need to brush your teeth at least twice a day and consider making lifestyle changes, such as avoiding staining food, beverages, and tobacco products. In addition, you should keep attending bi-annual cleanings at MINT dentistry in Newport, KY which helps to remove stains and, if needed, your whitening gel can be replenished. Keep your trays clean and safe to ensure they will last a long time. Ask your dentist to give you tips on protecting your results.

The MINT Commitment

Most insurance policies do not cover the cost of teeth whitening. We at MINT dentistry are dedicated to giving all of our patients the brilliant smile they desire. MINT dentistry offers free whitening trays and gel to patients when they get a professional cleaning. To learn more about our complimentary home teeth whitening kits, contact our office in Newport, KY.

A Bright, White Smile

With the help of MINT dentistry's custom whitening treatments, it is easy to get that bright white smile of your dreams. Combining the right strength of whitening gel, custom dental trays, and a personalized whitening plan, your whitening kit will be put together by our dental professionals to fit your goals. Please make an appointment at our Newport, KY dental practice to learn more about at-home whitening treatments.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.